Site Map

May 24, 2009


Week.. 5

May 21, 2009

Analysing :

How do you find this site? (in 3 words)

ugly, messy, unattractive.

Who do you think the site is created for?

Mostly women, ranging from teenagers to middle aged women. (those who will surf the Internet)

What are the good attributes of the site (in terms of usability, aesthetic issues,etc)?

  • The information are catergorised into different sections which make it easier for the visitor to get to what they want.
  • Detailed information
  • Fast loading page

What are the bad attributes of the site?

  • The colour and size of the fonts (heading and details)
  • The layout of the web page
  • The font colour do not really stands out on the background colour
  • Too many different font type used
  • Pictures used are not very attractive.
  • The home page makes the visitor lose interest to continue reading their website.

The 14th song

May 19, 2009

ahh.. nice. ^^

Charlie the unicorn

May 11, 2009


Here are part 2 and 3..

Enjoy hahahaaaaa..

Week 3

May 6, 2009

Here is the website I analysed:



Week 2

April 28, 2009

what is browser-safe colour palette/ web-safe colours?

A browser-safe colour palette is a colour palette used in some web browsers. The palette used by these browsers work slightly different on Macs and PCs and it only consist of 216 out of 256 colours. It is also useful for flat-colour illustrations.

is it relevant in today’s context? why?

Yes. Browser-safe colour palette helps in web design. It is useful for flat colour illustration and areas in any image that have a lot of a single color which make  it looks more objectionable.

what are the common font face found on pc and mac?

Arial, Arial Black, comic sans, Impact, Courier, Tahoma, Verdana, Times New Roman, Lucida,  Trebuchet MS, Georgia, Palatino, MS Sans Serif, MS Serif.

what is page loading time and how it influence your design?

Page loading time is the time taken for a webpage to finish displaying all its informations. The speed of  the page loading time will determine if you have a good webpage. If the page loading time is slow, it will cos readers to be impatient and thus, give up looking through your webpage. This will influence your design as the readers will get impatient waiting and leaving them a bad impression of your web design.

read about webdesign process article and write what you think about it.

After reading the web design process article, I learned more about what makes a good webpage. I also get to know that having an organised plan before starting to do your web design is an very important thing. This will help you to have a better understanding of what you are going to do, thus saving more time.

By listing out the breakdown of the ideal webdesign process allow us to consider the reader’s wants and needs. This will greatly attract the reader’s attention and influence more readers to visit ur webpage.

With this guidelines, I think that as we develop our concepts and go accordingly to the process, we will be able to create a professional webpage design with the knowledge of what exactly the readers are going for.

Week 1

April 21, 2009

1) name as many browsers as u can

Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, Mosaic

2) what is browser wars

The browser wars are competitions between interactions of web page.

3) what is IP address

IP address is Internet Protocol which is the numbers assigned to devices in the computer networks.

4) what is URL

URL is the global address or link that connect you to different website.

5) what is a good website?

A good website is having the proper format which enable people to visit every part of the website and providing useful resources for the people and also to be able to make the people attracted to your website with the beautiful graphics and design.